Debunking The Myths of Marijuana

Debunking The Myths of Marijuana

Nov 29th 2020

Debunking The Myths of Marijuana

Debunking The Myths of Marijuana

Marijuana is more popular than ever before and it’s rising to prominence thanks to its legalization in a number of states as well as for its medicinal use across the world. Even though it still faces a fair amount of persecution medical marijuana is growing in its use and generating interest for treating a number of conditions. Here are some of the most common myths that are still circulating about marijuana:

Marijuana Remains a Dangerous Carcinogen

Marijuana can definitely be a danger to your lungs but only if you’re consistently smoking it. There are some ways that you can use marijuana were it will not emit any carcinogenic smoke. If you’re concerned about the condition of your lungs you could consider taking THC and CBD in an absorbed format or in the form of an oil. You can also take edibles or vape marijuana so that you can enjoy the same effects without having to expose your body to carcinogens.

Marijuana Is Highly Addictive

Technically you can get addicted to anything but marijuana is known to be significantly more difficult to be addicted to than substances like alcohol. Only a small subset of marijuana users are considered to be addicted. Less than 9% of all marijuana users have been smoking daily. When we consider the effects of marijuana on the body, it is also a far less harmful addiction to the body than alcohol.

Marijuana Remains a Gateway Drug

This is perhaps the largest myth attached to marijuana use. There’s no chance that after you smoke marijuana that you’re going to leverage the experience into trying harder drugs. You could use the same argument and say that alcohol or nicotine would lead to you trying harder drugs as well.

Marijuana Will Make You Lazy

This is a huge myth as there are actually some strains of marijuana that can be responsible for energizing people and keeping them on task. Certain strains of marijuana have been prescribed to patients that are undergoing chemotherapy to keep them focused and keep them energized. Sativa based strains are often cultivated for their energy abilities and for the way that they can keep patients full of energy through the day. Marijuana does not have to make you lazy, it can actually help to keep you focused and happy.

Vaping Is Not As Potent

Vaping can be just as effective as smoking marijuana. The same compounds are being released through vaping and you will be able to experience the same results without the carcinogens. Many people prefer the idea of vaping because they can get a better taste profile for each strain and better regulation of their dosage. Vaping also allows you to use less material and the chance that you could extract components from the same material several times over. Vaping is a very efficient and precise way that you can get a dose of medical marijuana.

Cannabis Can Make You Go Crazy

If you ever saw the movie Reefer Madness, it may seem as though a single puff off of a joint would turn you into some kind of demon. This original rhetoric was simply to combat the war on drugs and most of the characteristics and attributes that are associated with marijuana are rumors that are perpetuated to prevent people from trading it illegally. Marijuana is relatively harmless and it’s one of the best tools that we can use for natural relief for a wide range of conditions.

contact us today to get some of the best Marijuana delivered right to your doorstep!