Re-Delivery Policy Update
As you know here at LOCAL'd we strive to provide our customers with nothing but exceptional service and products. From the layout of our website to the tracking notifications provided by our drivers, we are always looking for ways to make the customer experience better every time. Unfortunately due to an increasing number of missed and rescheduled deliveries caused by customer error we have noticed a challenge of being able to get to everyone within a certain amount of time. With that being said, we will be making some changes to our missed delivery and re-delivery policies.
Effective as of today, our drivers will be expected to wait up to no more than 5 minutes upon arrival. If the driver is unable to reach a customer then our dispatching team will also try to reach out which will include a call and an email. If we are unable to get in touch with the customer after this amount of time the driver will abandon the order and continue on with his/her route. This will also apply to customers who are not at their destination yet upon the drivers arrival.
If a customer misses his/her order they will need to reschedule by reaching out to our dispatching team directly via live chat, email or phone. The order will then be placed back in queue at the stated estimated delivery time at that moment. There will also be a required re-delivery fee of $5. If a customer does not wish to reschedule their order at that time we will be able to either reschedule for a later date or cancel it altogether which would apply a $10 cancellation fee.
A few tips to avoid a missed delivery:
- If you are traveling in from outside of DC make sure you are already at the provided address before placing the order. If you are not at the address yet then you can either place a note in the 'Special Instruction Box' informing us exactly what time you'll be arriving or you can select for 'Same Day Delivery' and request a specific delivery time when ordering. Avoid selecting 'On Demand' if you know you will not be at that location right away.
- If you are running late for an order, reach out to us beforehand (via live chat is preferred). If the driver hasn't already started making his/her way to the delivery address provided then there is still time to notify them prior to arrival.
- Double check if all your information is correct. This is a crucial step when placing an order and one of the most common errors in missed deliveries. If a phone number or email was inputted incorrectly there is no way for our team to catch this mistake and no way for us to get in contact with you.
- Keep in mind that our estimated delivery time is "within" the stated time period. If our 'On Demand' option states "within 1 hour" that will mean that the delivery will take place at any point up to an hour. It does not mean that the driver will arrive in 1 hour.
- Make sure that you have your phone on you and that it is not on silent.
With this new policy in place our goal is to be able to ensure a 30 minute or less delivery time, all the time. By eliminating these delays we are confident that we can achieve this with the help from you!
For all questions, comments or concerns regarding these changes do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for being awesome and as always we appreciate your business and loyalty with LOCAL'd. We look forward to continuing to serve you!