4 Stages of Marijuana Plant Growth

4 Stages of Marijuana Plant Growth

May 19th 2021

Are you wondering about the growth stages of marijuana plants? Any typical marijuana plant takes 10-32 weeks to grow and mature, and it goes through various stages during this time. It's important to know which stage the plant is in at what time to understand how you have to take care of it accordingly to ensure the healthiest growth.

So in this article, we will discuss the 4 stages of marijuana plant growth and how to look after the plant during these stages.

Stage 1: Germination (3-10 days)

Like most plants, the first stage of marijuana begins with the seeds. This seed should be hard and dry, with the color shade ranging from light to dark brown. If the color of your seed is still green or white and the seed feels squishy, it's still underdeveloped and won't germinate.

After the germination, your seed is ready for placement in a growth medium like soil. The taproot will move down, and the stem will move up simultaneously. Then two rounded cotyledon leaves will be born from the stem while the plant unfolds from the seed's protective casing.

These first leaves will take in the sunlight needed for the plant to grow in a healthy and stable manner. Soon you'll be able to see the first fan leaves grow, and your plant will become a seedling.

Stage 2: Seedling (2-3 weeks; 16 hours a daylight cycle)

At this stage, your marijuana plant will start developing more cannabis fan leaves. Initially, the leaves will only have one ridged blade, but as they grow, there will be 3,5,7, or more blades and become vibrant green in color. Until then, the plant will be considered a seedling.

This is the most delicate stage of marijuana growth. At this stage, don't overwater the plant as its small roots don't need much water. Keep the surroundings clean and monitor excess moisture to prevent diseases for the plant. Make sure it gets plenty of light.

Stage 3: Vegetative (3-16 weeks; 16 hours a daylight cycle outdoors)

This is the most important stage of the marijuana plant's growth, 'cause this is where the growth truly takes off. You should transfer the plant to a larger pot to let the roots and foliage develop rapidly.

Start topping or training your plants and increasing the watering as the plant develops. Moreover, feed the plant with higher levels of nitrogen. Finally, separate the male plants, so they don't start pollinating with the females.,

Stage 4: Flowering (8-11 weeks; 12 hours light cycle)

Your marijuana plant will start developing resinous buds at this final stage. The flowering will occur naturally outdoors. But if you're growing indoors, trigger the cycle by reducing the light reception from 16 to 12 hours a day.

At this stage, you shouldn't prune as it can upset the plant's hormones. Try giving them phosphorus nutrients for healthier growth. Moreover, the plant should be trellised so that the buds are supported as they develop. That aside, there are three subphases in this stage which you should observe closely-

  • Flower initiation (weeks 1-3): Plant will keep growing while females develop pre-flowers.
  • Mid-flowering (weeks 4-5): Plants will stop growing, buds will become fatter.
  • Ripening (week 6 and on): Plant will become sticky. Keep an eye on the pistils' color to know when to harvest.

Towards the end of the flowering stage, buds will start to grow faster. Once these buds reach full maturity, it's time to harvest the marijuana plant. If you would like to learn more or have questions about getting delivery options right to your door contact us today!