8 Tips for Talking To Your Doctor About Cannabis Or CBD

8 Tips for Talking To Your Doctor About Cannabis Or CBD

Sep 4th 2020

8 Tips for Talking To Your Doctor About Cannabis Or CBD

8 Tips for Talking To Your Doctor About Cannabis Or CBD

Cannabis is very quickly moving into mainstream culture because it’s become more widely available and because components like CBD are becoming more discussed for their medical benefits. If you are interested in trying medical marijuana or speaking to your doctor about potentially using medical marijuana, it can be wise for you to remain informed so that you can ask the right questions. Here are some of the best ways that you can approach your doctor about using CBD or cannabis:

Remain Serious

Bringing up CBD or cannabis use with a medical professional means that you need to approach them seriously about your decision. Find an adequate time where you can speak to your doctor and make an official appointment. If you’re in a region where cannabis has not been approved for use medically or recreationally, this can often be a touchy subject but your doctor will be able to advise you even on the use of substances which are technically illegal.

Complete Some Research Before Your Appointment

Learn about some of the early findings of cannabis with the condition that you are facing. Discover what CBD and cannabis can do before your appointment and dive into the various components of cannabis such as a way that it affects the endocannabinoid system, terpenes and more.

Understand The Condition That You Face

Doing some research into the condition that you face such as chronic pain or a disease can be important. Learning if CBD could interact with the drugs that you are currently taking can be crucial before you ask the doctor about their use. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and it’s illegal in many countries but it can have some slight drug interactions especially if you have a heart condition. Looking into some of these drug interactions will make sure that you won’t be wasting your doctors time if they decide that taking cannabis could be an unwise idea with your current prescription.

Local Laws

Your doctor is unlikely to recommend the use of cannabis or CBD unless you have a special condition if these are items that remain illegal in your area of the world. There are some countries and states that have legalized cannabis for medical use but distributing and accessing cannabis products can become quite difficult in certain regions. A doctor may get into trouble if they prescribe cannabis depending on your local laws.

Think About The Dose That You Would Like To Use

Consider the way that you would like to take cannabis and the doses that you might want your doctor to recommend to you. If you like the idea of using edibles, this could be a beneficial way you could regulate your dose over time. If you prefer to use dry flowers and concentrates, your doctor may be able to point you in the direction of the closest place where you can get regulated products.

Learn if CBD or THC Would Be More Beneficial

THC can often be more difficult to get but it could be considered more beneficial if you are facing symptoms of chronic pain, you’re undergoing cancer treatment or facing a variety of other conditions. CBD is one of the best products that you can use to improve the condition, reduce pain and feel better. CBD does not produce the psychoactive effects the THC will and this is why it has been made so readily available.

Be Prepared With Your Questions Early

Think about some of the questions that you may have rather than just walking into your doctors office and suggesting that you would like to use cannabis to manage your condition. Think about some quality questions that you could ask your Dr. about drug interactions, where you can reliably get cannabis, the best way that you can dose with cannabis and the rate strains that might be effective for treating your condition.

Be Honest

With any type of doctor’s recommendation you need to be honest about your symptoms and express your intent to use cannabis. Doctor-patient confidentiality is a powerful thing and even if cannabis is currently illegal in your area, the need to be transparent about your desire to use it in order to treat your condition. Your doctor can help to alleviate some of your concerns and let you know if it would be a bad idea for the condition that you are trying to treat.

Follow these top tips if you are going to be visiting your doctor to consult them about cannabis. Contact us today for the best cannabis in the industry!