Cannabis and Exercise

Cannabis and Exercise

May 13th 2021

Cannabis has a lot of mixed opinions as it is also known as marijuana, and that name has plenty of negative stereotypes attached to it. But can you use cannabis to lose weight? Or more simply, does cannabis help you in exercise? Do cannabis and exercise even have a connection? The article below will help answer some of these questions that you might have about cannabis and exercise.

Why Use Cannabis Before a Workout?

That is because cannabis can make your workout fun. Moreover, it can help with the post-workout discomfort that some people experience and also help with the initial discomfort of a new exercise routine. Not only that, it was found that cannabis users were less likely to be obese and have a lower BMI than the average Americans! As marijuana also helps you exercise more by making it more fun.

Nearly 82% of people who use cannabis do it before or after exercise as it makes it more fun for them and makes the recovery period much easier. However, using cannabis for exercising can have some safety concerns. Doing high-risk exercises like rock climbing, cycling, and using barbells is not something you should do while high.

How To Incorporate Cannabis Into Your Workout

Let’s assume that you want to start using cannabis to make your workouts more bearable, but what is the safest way to do it? Here are some tips to assist you in resolving the problem.

  • Use cannabis whenever you feel demotivated, as it will help you get motivated. People usually like using this while doing endurance exercises. It also helps activate the runner’s high feeling, which makes you want to work out more.
  • Use it before long and repetitive exercises like endurance exercise, as mentioned above. It makes the exercise easier, and because it has pain-relieving abilities, muscle relaxation abilities increase focus and alters the perception of time, making you work out for longer periods.
  • Don’t use cannabis every time you exercise, it can have side effects like poor coordination and balance and also slowed reaction time.
  • Don’t use cannabis for exercising without first conducting research on yourself to see how your body reacts to the drug. Some people get too high even to exercise, and everyone reacts differently to the same drug. Your goal should be to start slow as you want to enhance the exercise sessions.

These are all the advantages and disadvantages of using cannabis for your workout. Make sure always to be safe and know what’s best for you. If you would like to learn more contact us today!