Most Common Conditions Treated With Medical Marijuana

Most Common Conditions Treated With Medical Marijuana

May 25th 2020

Most Common Conditions Treated With Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana typically contains THC and CBD and is sold in dispensaries. CBD or cannabidiol extraction is a common extract of the hemp plant which reduces the side effects of chemotherapy as well as reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. Individuals that suffer from conditions like seizures can also find relief with CBD. CBD does not create the same type of euphoric or high feeling that is associated with THC and this is why many people are turning to CBD based strains and CBD products as a means to treat medical conditions.

Putting medical marijuana to work in treating multiple conditions can be highly beneficial to improving the quality of life for many people across the world. If you’ve ever considered the use of medical marijuana, here are some of the top conditions which it can treat!


Medical marijuana has been shown to improve symptoms related to cancer and it can help to mitigate some of the side effects associated with chemotherapy. If a person regularly experiences a lack of appetite, vomiting, or nausea, medical marijuana can help to relieve some of the symptoms and help to improve appetite and recovery from chemotherapy. There’s also evidence that CBD can work at slowing the growth of tumors but ongoing long-term research is required to check into the nature of these results.

Epilepsy And Seizures

Epilepsy can also include seizures that can range from mild to severe. Individuals that experience seizure disorders will often spend many hours of their day dealing with seizures or the threat of seizures. To reduce this exhaustion and to improve the quality of life for people that suffer from epilepsy, using CBD or approved medications like Epidiolex can work to control the nature of seizures and make sure that individuals could participate in regular activities without the rate of seizure intensity or the number of seizures they would typically experience in a day.

Muscle Spasms In Chronic Pain

Conditions that regularly cause chronic pain and muscle spasms such as lupus, fibromyalgia, and arthritis can be controlled with medical marijuana. CBD oil can be applied to inflamed joints as a topical agent and it can be applied to the gums for fast absorption in pain relief. Many people that suffer from muscle spasms from conditions like MS will regularly use CBD oil to help them sleep and to manage their ongoing symptoms of pain and inflammation.

Eating Disorders

With the appetite improvements that can be seen from the regular use of medical marijuana, people that suffer from appetite disorders will regularly utilize medical marijuana to improve their appetite over time. People that experience issues with digestion can also widely benefit as CBD can be highly beneficial in treating a series of digestive issues. For individuals that regularly struggle with digestive and appetite problems, this can be a very beneficial supplement added to their regular routine.

Anxiety And Depression

Medical marijuana can also be beneficial in treating the symptoms of depression and anxiety. As CBD is a compound that works to manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression by regulating serotonin levels, it is possible to see a difference in conditions like depression or anxiety over time.

If you would like to learn more about using medical marijuana and the various benefits that you could receive by choosing to use medical marijuana, you should consider speaking to your doctor. Going to a natural health store and inquiring about CBD could also be a beneficial method for managing your conditions as well. Contact us today!